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A compelete Saggitarian.

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Central to Majestic in Garib Rath

Central to Majestic in Garib Rath
I have always liked travelling in garib rath (i.e what lalu like to mention the trains to) rather than in Bus.I have a very simple reason for that i.e I can see and interact with diffrent shades of people in the garib rath rather than stuck to a person sitting next to you :) .After spending an exciting weekend , I was travelling back from central to Majestic.Scene set was like this , a young couple not yet married but might be planning to marry in the future were sitting besides me and a married couple with a kid sitting In front of me. Rest of the characters were not that intresting.

All along the journey the young couple were kuchikooing and were having a good time cracking jokes, in contrast to that the other couple were busy hadling their baby which might be two years old.The baby wore a shirt and a shorts and its hair was tied into two ponny also to mention a bindi in the forehead.

At one point in the journey the lady of the young couple happened to ask the name of the two year old kid.Since the kid didnt respond ,its parents responded saying the kid's name is hari.For that young lady repeated calling the kid a harini.Again the old couple corrected it by saying the kid's name was hari.This confusion went on like that and after some time both the couples settled for there own name version.I was just an spectator for this conversation duel ,cos i knew the kid was a dude not a doll.It happend when I entered the rath ,elder couple were busy changing nappies ..Thats where I happened to find out the dude :).

One thing I like the rath for is that I can stroll through it or you can say Jay walking and also the pantery.Frequenty the pantry and geting stuffed is definetly my favorite pass time.

Rest of the journey continued with me digging into a book ,the young couple kuchikooing and the older couple playing with their kid (dude).As time passed Central was long gone and the rath was making an approach to land on Majestic.

Majestic Banthu , Majestic Ala re.

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